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Is It COVID-19?

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Translations for content on this page

Symptoms of COVID-19 can include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. Other less common symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after you are exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. Not everyone with COVID-19 has all of these symptoms, and some people may not have any symptoms.

Talk to your health care provider if you have questions or concerns about symptoms. For more information on COVID-19 in other languages, see Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Key Messages.

Should I Get Tested for COVID-19?

Our online screening tool assists with identifying Minnesotans who should be tested for COVID-19. Click the button below to determine if you should be tested.
Use the Self-Screening Tool

What To Do If You Are Sick

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should:

  • Stay home.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Avoid sharing personal household items like dishes, towels, bedding, etc.
  • Clean surfaces that you touch often.

When To Seek Medical Attention

If your illness is getting worse or you notice any of these emergency warning signs, call your health care provider right away. Emergency warning signs can include:

  • Trouble breathing.
  • Ongoing pain or pressure in the chest.
  • New confusion or not being able to wake up.
  • Bluish lips or face.

Call your doctor or clinic before going in. Tell them about your symptoms and they will give you instructions to help protect you and other patients.

Learn More

Learn more about COVID-19 from the Minnesota Department of Health.

Frequently Asked Questions about COVID-19 Testing

  • Where can I get tested for COVID-19?
    COVID-19 testing facilities are located across the state of Minnesota. To find the nearest testing location in your community, click on the MN COVID-19 Testing Locations webpage. PLEASE NOTE: This site changes on a daily and sometimes hourly basis based on testing demand and supply availability across the United States. This website is updated regularly, but may not immediately reflect changes at a particular clinic throughout the day.
  • How do I get tested?
    Testing depends on location. Sometimes you may stay in your car. Other sites will screen you before you come indoors. Many sites will require an appointment before you arrive in order to ensure they’ve collected your contact and insurance information. Review the specific information associated with your site below the map on the Find Testing Locations page.
  • I called one of the clinics on the website and was told that I can’t get a test there. Why not?
    Due to a national shortage of testing supplies and the high demand for testing, many clinics are running out of tests daily. Until the clinic can obtain more COVID-19 testing supplies, they are referring people to other clinics in the area that have supplies. This changes on a day-to-day basis. Please reference the testing site map for another nearby location and contact that provider.
  • My local clinic was listed on the website yesterday, but now they’re not. Does this mean they are no longer offering testing?
    With the high demand for testing supplies across the United States, some clinics are not able to provide COVID-19 tests on a daily basis. If a clinic cannot fulfill the testing requests in the community, it will be temporarily taken down from the website until additional testing supplies are delivered. Staffing availability may also contribute to a clinic’s need to be temporarily removed. Please contact a different nearby clinic for testing availability.
  • When can I get an antibody test?
    Antibody or “serology” tests do not diagnose an illness, but scan for antibodies that form in response to a virus. COVID 19 is a new disease, we are still learning about immune response to the disease. It is unknown if the presence of antibodies to the virus indicate immunity. The current focus of Minnesota’s testing initiative is on PCR/molecular testing to diagnose current infection with the disease.
  • Are tests only available for people who are sick?
    People who have symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested. In general, people who do not have symptoms should not be tested for COVID-19. It may be recommend that people who do not have symptoms get tested in certain situations, and this will be recommended by public health workers.
  • If I have antibodies in my blood, am I now immune to COVID-19?
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to determine if you can get sick with COVID-19 more than once. At this time, it’s unknown if you can become reinfected with COVID-19 after you have recovered, or how long immunity might last.
  • How fast can I get my results? A few hours or a few days?
    The speed of test results varies based on volume and system capacity. Many health care systems can conduct the test “in-house,” but some need to be sent to an outside lab, which could delay the results of the test by a few days. You will receive the results from the provider that collected your sample.
  • Will my insurance cover testing and treatment for COVID-19?
    Yes. Health insurance plans will cover testing and treatment for medically necessary services related to COVID-19. Most health insurance companies have waived copays, coinsurance, and deductibles associated with this care. Check with your insurance company for further details.
  • Is testing free?
    Federal law requires health insurance plans to cover diagnostic and serological or antibody testing at no cost to patients. There may be charges associated with the visit to obtain the testing, but most health insurance companies in Minnesota and public health care programs like Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare have waived copays, coinsurance, and deductibles associated with these charges. Check with your insurance company for further details.
  • Where can I get more answers about the cost of COVID-19 testing?
    Some Minnesotans are experiencing financial barriers to get tested for COVID-19. Some are getting charged for the test, while others are not getting tested because they don’t have insurance.

    View this webpage for more detailed information about costs for COVID-19 testing.

  • What if I have a high-deductible health plan with a health-savings account?
    Health insurance plans that have waived copays, coinsurance, and deductibles also apply to HDHPs and HSAs, according to guidance from the IRS.
  • Could I get a surprise bill if I need testing or treatment for coronavirus?
    Most health insurance plans and Minnesota’s public health care programs, Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare are covering testing without coinsurance, copays, or deductibles when you see an in-network primary care provider or are treated at an in-network facility. If you have questions about your coverage, contact your health plan.
  • Will my health plan cover telemedicine for testing or treatment of coronavirus?
    Yes. All individual and small group health insurers are covering telemedicine services. This includes audio or visual communications. If you have specific questions about your coverage, contact your health plan.
  • What should you do if you don’t have health insurance?
    The testing and diagnosis of COVID-19 is free for many uninsured Minnesotans. When you go in for your test, ask your health care provider for the application for free COVID-19 testing. The provider will submit the application to the state and will bill the state for payment if you meet eligibility requirements.

    You may be eligible for low- to no-cost health care for coverage. Please contact MNsure or the Minnesota Department of Human Services to learn more about coverage options.

  • About Saliva Testing for Public and Private Teachers and School Staff
    The saliva test is a test for COVID-19 that can be done at home using video supervision from a health professional. This kind of test is comfortable and easy, as people can collect their own samples by spitting into a tube and mailing it to a lab for processing. The test was developed by the company Vault Health, working with RUCDR Infinite Biologics. For more information about saliva testing, read the Minnesota Department of Health’s factsheet.

To inform the office when experiencing covid 19 symptoms, you can reach us at:

320-455-2702 for Karen
Law Eh at 320-444-2697
Sakwe Paw 320-894-8683

or email us at

caregiver and seniors smiling

Samah Home Health Care Service Areas Covered

Twincities, Willmar, Marshall, Worthington, Austin, Albert Lea, St. Cloud